This site ticked nearly every box for McDonald’s. Unfortunately, it also ticked nearly every box in the Council’s list of “things we require consent for”. This created significant risk to the client: risk of delay, risk of notification, risk of failure.
To manage these risks, we split this project into three separate applications. This allowed the client to get stage 1 (bulk earthworks and pre-loading) under way while stage 2 of the overall project was being assessed by the Council. It also helped us to reduce the risk of notification and failure by separating out those parts of the proposal that did not (at that point) have Council officer support.
Once consent for stage 2 was granted, we were able to apply for stage 3 as a restricted discretionary activity, thereby reducing the risk of notification and the scope of the Council’s discretion, and increasing the prospects for success.
This strategy proved highly successful: three non-notified consents in quick succession where one would almost certainly have prevented the completion of earthworks before winter and most likely been notified.