This was a complicated project to redevelop a four hectare site on the eastern edge of the East Tamaki industrial area for a mix of
café, office and industrial activities.
The site was opposite the Greenmount landfill and had been used for the manufacture and storage of concrete products for some 60 plus years. As such, the management of landfill gases, migrating from the adjacent landfill, and remediation of onsite contamination, were key issues.
Other key issues included traffic management, infrastructure capacity, the discharge of stormwater, the management of flood plains and overland flowpaths, navigating key differences between the Operative District Plan and the Proposed Unitary Plan, and navigating the evolution of the Unitary Plan, with decisions on submissions on the Unitary Plan notified while the application was being processed by Council.
Stage 1 of the redevelopment has been completed and stages 2 and 3 are now underway. Another successful Synergy project!