The Auckland Unitary Plan allows significant intensification of sites in locations close to centres, social facilities and key transport
nodes and routes. Despite this, the resource consent process can still be onerous.
This was a challenging project on a small, steeply sloping site crossed by an overland flowpath, road widening designation, and multiple volcanic viewshafts, adjoining a public walkway, and located within the Upper Symonds Street special character area.
The development, comprising two levels of parking and six levels of commercial and residential space, required land use consent for multiple matters (including a significant height infringement) as well as a water permit and discharge permit under the Unitary Plan. It also required land use consent under the National Environmental Standard for the Assessment and Management of Contaminants in Soil, due to contamination from an historic shot tower in the vicinity.
It will, however, be an exemplar of design, and positive contributor to the streetscape and amenity of the area, and a worthy symbol of what can be achieved on small city fringe sites under the Unitary Plan, and Auckland Council’s vision for a quality, compact, urban form. With more developments like this, Auckland is on its way to becoming a truly liveable city.
Civitas was proud to work with Graeme Scott of ASC Architects on this project. Images provided by, and copyright to, ASC Architects.