NPS-UD and MDRS in Disarray
Auckland Council's implementation of the NPS-UD and MDRS is in disarray following recent storm events, a belated decision to include the light rail corridor, the resignation of two commissioners and the National Party's decision to withdraw support for the MDRS more
RMA Reform: the Resource Consent Process
How will the resource consent process change under the Natural and Built Environment Act? And will we see faster and cheaper resource consents? more
RMA Reform: Key Elements and Key Questions
This article provides an overview of the resource management framework proposed to replace the Resource Management Act. more
NPS-UD and MDRS: Further Update on Auckland Council's Response
The Auckland Council Planning Committee has met for the final time prior to notification of the Council's response to the RMA Amendment Act 2021 and NPS-UD. more
What's on Auckland's Planning Agenda
Every now and then I like to peruse Auckland Council’s Planning Committee agendas to see what Council is up to. more
NPSUD: Update on Auckland Council's Response
Auckland Council’s Planning Committee completed a marathon 11 hour meeting on 30 June 2022 to consider its response to the NPS-UD. more
Upcoming Transport Plan Change
Auckland Council has released additional information regarding its upcoming transport plan change. more
Upcoming Changes to Auckland Unitary Plan
A recent report adopted by Auckland Council’s Planning Committee has provided additional detail on changes to the Unitary Plan under investigation more
NPS-UD: Updated Principles for Intensification
Auckland Council’s Planning Committee has approved a new set of principles for addressing policy 3(d) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development more
Bye Bye Parking Requirements (hello new rules and regulations...)
Minimum parking requirements have now been removed from the Auckland Unitary Plan. What are the implications of that? more
Medium Density Residential Standards - Update
The Government has amended its Medium Density Residential Standards to alter the intensity of development able to be undertaken as a permitted activity more
Medium Density Residential Standards - FAQs
Short answers to frequently asked questions on the Medium Density Residential Standards. more
Winners and Losers under the RMA Amendment Bill
The RMA Amendment Bill will create winners and losers. How will it impact you - will you be a winner or loser? more
Medium Density Residential Standards - what the?
The Medium Density Residential Standards proposed in the RMA Amendment Bill will enable significant intensification in our main urban areas. more
Changes to RMA to Enable and Accelerate Intensification
The Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill will supercharge the National Policy Statement on Urban Development. more